ez a májusi műhely leírása, amit a Pszichológia Társaság Naggyűlésén tartottunk..
csak mert megtaláltuk : ) közreadjuk

Through expressive therapies we may contact the implicit
memory, where emotional and affective-sometimes traumatic-presymbolic and
preverbal experiences of the primary mother- infant relations are stored.
In the workshop first a special technique we will be
introduced, called body mapping. Body Mapping is a creative therapeutic tool
that combines bodily experiences and visual artistic expression. It involves painting a life-size
image of one’s body onto a large surface using colors, pictures, symbols and
words to draft an inner map of experiences lived through the body.
Later, we will provide room for sharing, discussing the
experiences and to reflect on them. Finally, an exhibition will be assembled
out of the all the pictures, and together we will examine the effects and emotions
the images may evoke and the memories they may recall.
implicit memory, expressive art therapy, preverbal self
memory, attunement, body mapping
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