Salz Gabi is tart egy workshopot a Tánctértől :) De lesz sok nagyszerű plenáris előadás, nomeg műhelyek, mind táncterápia témában.
Aki tud jöjjön, aki nem tud, annak majd összefoglaljuk röviden mi is történt.
preverbális szelf-érzet, embodiment,
nonverbális-terápia, implicit emlékek, testi élmények, affektus, szimbolikus tartalmak, hangolódás, kinesztikus empátia, trauma, interszubjektíviás, prereflektív tudattalan, kifejezésterápia,
International and interdisciplinary conference
October 9th – 10th, 2015
Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic
One to three days pre and postworkshops October 7th – 9th and 11th – 13th
This conference will address holistic and relational approach to the Self in psychotherapy, with the emphasis on bodily Self in the psychotherapeutic process and relationship..
Special attention will be payed to the following areas:
- clinical considerations of bodymind interconnections as relationally embedded phenomena;
- implicit, non-verbal interaction between the therapist and client, kinesthetic empathy, somatic tranference and countertransference;
- body image, body memory and preverbal issues, trauma and dissociation;
- social and cultural contexts of bodily Self in clinical practice.
The conference languages are english and czech / slovak with translation both ways.
Keynote speakers:
- Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Thomas Fuchs (Germany)
- Laura Galbusera, MSc. (psychology) (Italy)
- Peter Philippson, MSc. (Gestalt psychotherapy) (UK)
- MUDr. Radana Syrovátková, BC-DMT (Czech Republic)
- PhDr. Anton Polák (Czech Republic)
- Stacey Hurst, BC-DMT, GLCMA (USA)
- Mgr. Ondřej Novák (Czech Republic)
- Agnieszka Sokołowska, M.A. (psychology), DMP, CMA (Polsko)
- Diplom-Psychologin Sybille Aβmann (Německo)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tschacher (Switzerland).
Pre- a postworkshops by:
(for detailed information see Programme)
- Peter Philppson, MSc. (Gestalt psychotherapy) (UK)
- Stacey Hurst, BC-DMT, GLCMA (USA)
- Agnieszka Sokołowska, M.A. (psychologie), DMP, CMA (Poland)
- MUDr. Radana Syrovátková, BC-DMT (Czech Republic)
- Diplom-Psychologin Sybille Aβmann (Německo)
Conference workshops by e.g.
Mgr. Klára Čížková, Ariane Konrad, M.A. (philisophy) & Laura Galbusera, MSc. (psychology), PhDr. Stáňa Dudová, MUDr. Juraj Rektor, Andrea Malá, M.A., RDMP UK, PhDr. Kamila Laudová, MgA. Jana Ryšlavá, Jana Špinarová Dusbábková, M.A., BC-DMT, Mgr. Klára Kolofíková, MgA. Petr Opavský, Jan Komárek, Mgr. Monika Stehlíková Lešková, PhDr. Hana Junová and Jana Kasalová, PhD.
Programme includes also dance picnic.
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